Charles: Hello Amardip, I have heard you say that something called geopathic stress can reduce our health, please could you share the effects of this for many humans?
Amardip: It is quite simple, it has been identified since the 1960s. Any distortion of the normal 7.83 Hz level of geopathic earth energy creates the potential to weaken the immune system of any mammal living directly above the distortion. This resonant energy affects human health.
Charles: Interesting, since the 1960s, wow I did not know that! So you mention human health, can you give us more specific detail about health problems associated with geopathic stress?
Amardip: Geopathic stress causes the human body to vibrate at higher frequencies than normal, and can affect the immune system, making people sleeping or working in geopathically stressed locations more susceptible to viruses, bacteria, parasites, environmental pollution, degenerative disease, and a wide range of health problems.
Enthusiasts of the theory claim that this “Geopathic stress” and other kinds of electromagnetic pollution cause illnesses ranging from fatigue, depression, and sleep problems to diabetes and cancer.
Today, due to urbanization, we are living in high rise buildings in cosmopolitan cities. Well it does not reduce the effects, even if we live on high floor. It is because the earth ‘radiation’ is amplified many folds due to the metal structures in modern day buildings. And our metal bed frames and spring mattresses with metal coils play a big part.
Charles: Metal structures, fascinating! So you if someone suspects their health is being affected by distorted geopathic energies what feelings will they notice first and so on?
Amardip: There are six stages of Geopathic stress and that starts from feeling tired, restless, nightmares, insomnia, feeling cold in bed and night sweat, lack of appetite, even vomiting in the mornings; muscle cramps increased heartbeat, headaches, food allergies, bed-wetting, nervousness and depression, body aches for diabetics, an inability to heal, memory problems, attention deficit order, and at the fifth and sixth stages the most serious health problems start to exhibit themselves such as heart attacks, arthritis, kidney disorders, stroke, cancer, brain tumours, cot deaths, infertility and miscarriages.
Charles: So you are sharing that this geopathic stress can encourage some pretty terrible health issues, is that right? Hmm. So tell me something else please, Amardip, how can you look at a building and see signs of what you told me was ‘sick building syndrome’ geopathic stress and other bad energies at too high a level?
Amardip: Geopathic stress can affect the whole house/building, and we can physically see the cracks on the walls or on the floor inside or outside the home, twisted tree growth around the home, dampness, mold, frequent mechanical & electrical breakdowns, brick and plasterwork, accident prone black spots, are all indicators. Fruit and vegetables, jam & grains, all milk products, will spoil very fast when stored in the wrong place.
Emotionally very often people tell me that the house never felt quite ‘right?’ People get divorced or fall ill seriously, even unnatural deaths are all strong indicators of the presence of Geopathic stress.
Charles: Another question for you. I remember you mentioning before something about 2,000 people suffering ill health and something about explosives. What was that about please Amardip?
Amardip: Geopathic stress will affect business premises and its employees too. In 1995 a sick building in UK was demolished. It was said to have “sick building syndrome” after half the 2,000 Inland Revenue workers there suffered influenza-like symptoms. The 19-storey Saint John’s House in Bootle, Merseyside, was brought down with explosives.
If your business suffers high rates of absenteeism due to sickness, the employees falling sick frequently, is a clear sign of probably the building is suffering from the effects of Geopathic stress.
Charles: You share such amazing statistics. Tell me about any research you know about that suggests cancer can be more likely because of geopathic stress. I know we cannot claim sorting out geopathic stress can so-called ‘cure’ cancer but what research have you unearthed please?
Amardip: The risk of ill-health in general and cancer in particular can be dramatically reduced by avoiding geopathic stress, caused by harmful waves emanating underground. That claim was made by Diviner Brendon Murphy and he produced research figures to support it. Continuous signals from the brain controlled the body and enabled it to function correctly.
Concentrated geopathic stress tarnish those signals so strongly that the flow of information to the cells, glands and organs stops, which has an adverse effect on the body. GS has strong effect on the correct functioning of the lymphatic system. If the lymphatic system is not healthy, it can destroy foreign cells, thus enabling cancer cells to grow and multiply-thus resulting whole immune-system is weakened.
Dr. H. Nieper, a world renowned cancer specialist, stated that 92% of all his cancer patients were geopathically stressed. He said more than 4,000 medical doctors in Austria and Germany called in dowsers to assist with their most severe cases of cancer and long-term illnesses.
In 1929, German scientist Gustav Freiherr von Pohl, carried out investigations and said that “one would not get cancer unless one spent time in GS places, sometimes spending hour sleeping in a place where geopathic stress lines intersect at one’s pillow for example.
Charles: That will worry some of our readers. They will wonder whether these harmful forces intersect & damage their stomach or their brain. I guess I should encourage them to come and see you because you are so proud that you have the powerful, unique, solution, not just to geopathic stress but 19 other harmful earth energies as well. It has been an honour interviewing you, Amardip, thank you so much and do carry on your good work that you are doing helping hundreds of people.