- Q: Amardip do tell me. Does Geopathic Stress (GS) effect upstairs or is it only the ground floor?
A: Yes it will pass up through all floors regardless of how high they are, it is believed they travel to the ionosphere which is about 50 km from the earth. - Q: Some was talking about Radon to me. Is GS the same as Radon?
A: No Radon is a radioactive gas particle, GS is Non-Ionizing radiation. You can have GS in a room and the room can still be safe to use, it does not dissipate through air like a gas, so provided you do not sit or sleep directly above the effected area, it is safe to be in a room that has GS. - Q: Interesting thanks Amardip. Tell me does GS effect your sleep patterns?
A: Yes, during sleep your body has certain jobs it needs to have completed and GS slows or in some cases completely prevents this work from happening. - Q: I have been wondering does GS affect children at all?
A:Yes it affects children more than adults, especially new born babies. Test carried out by the Dulwich health in London found that 80% of cot deaths were sleeping over GS intersections. - Q: Hey Amardip, can we be clever? Can the architects or builders solve this problem? Can we put something into the foundations or under the floors of a new house to stop GS from entering your house?
A: No, at the moment there is no barrier that can be put under the floors that will work long-term, however there is a system that you can have installed outside that redirects the Geopathic Stress around your house, but over the period of time we need to re-energise it. - Q: Do the ill effects of GS leave my body after I move my bed? Please comfort me on this, Amardip!
A: Yes it is estimated that in six weeks it will be gone from your body, provided you are not exposed to it during the daytime, when you go out for work. - Q: That is good news, Amardip. Another question. Are there any tests I can do that will show whether or not I have GS in my body?
A: Not exactly, but a simply kiniesology (muscle test) can be done. - Q: For families can you inform us of something important. Are there any links between infertility and exposure to GS?
A: Yes many diviners including myself have found that there is GS present in over 80% of cases of miscarriage and where there are difficulties conceiving and when it is removed many couples appear to go on to have healthy children. - Q: Let us look at the big picture for a moment, Amardip. Is GS in every country?
A: Yes it is all over the world, I have been lucky enough to have worked now in 5 countries and I have found it in them all, however because we have such a high rainfall here its much higher. It is a bigger problem in Singapore than some countries. - Q: How do I know if I’m affected by GS?
A: The most common symptoms is tiredness in the morning, inability to get to sleep and waking after a few hours and unable to get back to sleep, aches and pains in the same part of your body every morning that pass after a few hours. - Q: I am solution focused, I’m afraid, Amardip. What can we do if we have negative influences from GS?
A: The cheapest and easiest solution is to simply move your bed or seating, if this is not possible there are a few options open to you but which one you use will be determined by the levels of GS you have. - Q: I heard somewhere that driving metal bars into the ground, clears GS? Amardip, tell me if this is true, please.
A: That is a good question, yes this will work but only in the short term and it can actually make it worse because it can split the GS line so you end up with two GS lines where you only had one, there are numerous devices on the market that claim to clear GS but it has been my experience that they are limited in there ability to work, however they may work very well in countries where the GS is not as strong.There are also people claiming to be able to remove GS by saying a prayer in your home, I have been in numerous houses after these people have claimed to have removed it and I still find GS in every case.
- Q: A quick pet question. Does GS effect animals?
A: Yes, however animals have the instinct to sense where it is and will not willingly expose themselves to it. However certain animals like GS and are attracted to it, they are cats, ants, bees and wasps. Over 4,000 years ago the Indians and Chinese were very wise, they put sheep, cattle and their livestock into a field and would watch where they settle down and slept, this is where they would build their houses. - Q: Wow, thousands of years of experience. Great. Tell me, does GS get stronger at certain times of the year?
A: Yes, when rainfall is at its highest both the strength and quantity of GS lines increases. When the moon is full it also increases in strength because of the extra positively charged ion’s in the atmosphere. - Q: Is GS just one thing? Are there different types of GS?
A: Yes, there are some caused by subterranean water more are called Curry lines and Hartmann lines and some are caused by mineral deposits, caves and underground caverns. - Q: There are so many causes of GS, it sounds complicated. By the wayhow long do I have to be exposed to GS before it can cause health problems?
A: This is different for everyone and it depends on the levels of GS and your lifestyle, if you drink and smoke, eat junk food, don’t exercise and don’t drink enough water, these will all be important factors to consider. However, usually if you move into a new house or change the position of your bed you will normally have a health problem within 2- 3yrs and sometimes this can be shorter. - Q: How important is it that I don’t sit over it in my office?
A: GS is in the Electro-Magnetic spectrum which means it will conduct, an office chair has a metal shaft and we sit directly on top of this so it is very important that you do not position your chair over GS, if you do you will probably get health problems in your private area as this is the part of your body that is in direct contact with the seat. - Q: That sounds quite dangerous. If I want to improve my GS problems or identify them how do I know which expert to contact?
A: There is no regulation in this area, so all you can do is ask for references from people where they have worked. I have been working in this area for 10 years now and I feel you need that amount of time before a person can call themselves an expert As to myself I do check the floor plan remotely and so far my analysis has been 97 % accurate. - Q: A real estate question for you Amardip. What advice do you have for someone buying a new house?
A: First, try to find out the health of the previous occupants, if they had serious health problems especially cancer, stroke etc., then either have the house tested and see how badly effected it is or look for another house.Secondly, have a look outside the house and see if there are any mobile phone poles nearby also check for overhead power lines and any electric tower. If there are none of the above then it is worth considering, but always have it checked out by a professional. We can help you for a small fee of S$300. All we require is the floor plan.
- Q: I just thought of another potential problem. Do GS lines move over time?
A: Yes they do but unfortunately, we have no control over this as the earths plates are constantly shifting. Construction of buildings, quarries and road building all can cause underground caverns that the water passes through to collapse if this happens then the water pressure will increase and force a new pathway and water will always follow the path of least resistance. This will cause new GS lines to appear and existing ones to disappear. - Q: One final question, Amardip. Do all houses have GS?
A: Nearly every residence small or big, office or business premise that I have checked is effected in Singapore, and one of the main reason, we have a heavy rainfall.
Thank you Amardip for sharing information that is really specialised and important. Please keep up your good work of helping people, you are so helpful and generous with your time.