Frequently Ask Questions (Interview by Mr. Charles Barton with Master Amardip Singh)

1. Amardip do tell me. Does Geopathic Stress (GS) effect upstairs or is it only the ground floor? A. Yes it will pass up through all floors regardless of how high they are, it is believed they travel to the ionosphere which is about 50 km from the earth. 2. Some was talking about Radon to me. Is GS the same as Radon? A. No Radon is a radioactive gas particle, GS is Non-Ionizing radiation. You can have GS in a room…

About Vortex (Interview by Mr. Charles Barton with Master Amardip Singh)

Q: Hello again Amardip, thanks for sharing your knowledge. Tell me about Energy vortexes please. A: An Energy Vortex is a strong electromagnetic mass of energy that is constantly in a flux, rotating inwards in an counter a clockwise or clockwise motion. This energy vortex is invisible to the naked eye (unless the person is a clairvoyant), but most people can sense these energies in the form of positive…

Geopathic Stress and its Effects (Interview by Mr. Charles Barton with Master Amardip Singh)

Charles: Hello Amardip, I have heard you say that something called geopathic stress can reduce our health, please could you share the effects of this for many humans? Amardip: It is quite simple, it has been identified since the 1960s. Any distortion of the normal 7.83 Hz level of geopathic earth energy creates the potential to weaken the immune system of any mammal living directly above the distortion…