What is a Golden Sunrise Geopathic Consultation?

A geopathic consultation determines if there are Noxious Earth energies (underground water lines, Ley lines and Ley-line power centres) under a home or office and if they are neutral or negative, polluted or potentially harmful?

We not only find Geopathic Stress lines but also other negative energies such as Negative Spirals and 20 over underlying issues that play havoc in our lives, these are detected in every home, business/workplace everywhere in the world.  That is what YOU need to know so that you can improve your quality of life.

Here’s a checklist to help you determine the possible presence of Earth energies and entities.

  • Do you feel like energy is being drained from you?
  • Are you waking up tired with no energy?
  • Is your child wetting their bed continually?
  • Are you or your children restless while sleeping?
  • Is there someone in your family who seems hyper, cranky or moody for no apparent reason?
  • Is there a place in your home or office that just doesn’t feel right? Or that feels scary, or even evil?
  • Are you moving into a new house or space that doesn’t feel right or that you want to make sure are totally clear?
  • Do you know of a house for sale that has an odd feeling and won’t sell?
  • Are there ghosts in your home or place of work?
  • Do you feel unproductive or lacking energy?
  • Is there someone in your family with a disease or a history of illness?
  • Do you ever feel someone or something is watching you–even though there’s no one around?
  • Design your next architectural or artistic project to be in harmony with existing Earth energies
  • Find out if uneasy feelings or negative emotions are being caused by Earth energies or entities
  • Gain peace of mind
  • Contribute to environmental and planetary healing, as well as geopathic research

What are the Benefits of a GS Consultation?

By eliminating the possible presence of Geopathic Stress and any other Noxious Earth Energies in your home, you are giving your Immune system a fighting chance to ward off any of these possible health issues.  If your IMMUNE SYSTEM is strong, you have the best chance to stay healthy.

To have a strong healthy Immune system is your best defence against ill health!

Have your present or future home or office checked for harmful or beneficial Earth energies and eliminate the influences of entities and ghosts.

You can neutralise harmful negative energies that may be causing ill health and disease. You can locate, in our consultation, ley-line power centres and underground springs that are ideal sites to establish sacred spaces, gardens and environmental artworks.

Disclaimer and Legal Indemnity

Many dowsers, therapists and naturopathic physicians have observed that Earth energies and geopathic stress can be detrimental to health and also have concluded from experience that no treatment can be considered a full success without the neutralizing of Geopathic Stress. However, let us make it one hundred percent clear, we are NOT doctors, nor are we qualified to give medical advice or not treatment. Our solutions are not meant as a replacement for any medical therapy or any other treatment. The information we bring through in any way, written, or verbal, will never promise any cure or medical miracle. We will not suggest any medical therapy or say that medical intervention is not necessary. People with medical problems should see a physician. We do not support religious viewpoints in any way, shape, or form. We believe there is probably a connection between geopathic conditions and health, but because we have no medical or scientific proof, absolutely no claims are made about any suggestions that are derived from this geopathic evaluation. How people interpret the information, regarding any information provided, is their own personal responsibility. We cannot be held legally liable for any decision people make from any information given through our website, nor by any employees, or associates of Golden Sunrise Geo Pro Pte Ltd. This disclaimer is shown to all interested people.

Contact us

For No Obligation Consultation

Wanted Distributors/Partners

Our Services
We can all learn to increase our overall health.
Group or Individual to explore the solutions we have for greater happiness, health and abundance.
A complete service covering many areas of health.

Opening hours

Monday to Friday : 10AM – 6PM
Saturday : 10AM – 6PM
Sunday & Public Holidays : CLOSED


Golden Sunrise Geo Pro Pte Ltd
Ubi Techpark, Block 10,
Ubi Crescent Lobby C, #03-46
Singapore 408564